Jindřicha Plachty st. 18, Prague 5, Czechia

☀️ Sun Exposure and Acne: Understanding the Connection

Sun exposure is a major risk factor for acne patients. The pathophysiology of acne involves a complex interaction of inflammatory mediators, excess sebum production, abnormal skin cell shedding, and colonization of hair follicles by Propionibacterium acnes bacteria.

 Environmental factors like sun radiation, air pollution, smoking, psychological stress, microorganisms, diet, and others can trigger or worsen acne.

☝️ While sun exposure can temporarily improve acne lesions, it can also provoke pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic reactions, leading to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or erythema (redness).

Using sunscreens can significantly improve symptoms and prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Sunscreens should have soothing, antioxidant properties and the ability to control excess sebum production.

To protect your skin if you have acne, make sure to use a gentle, oil-free sunscreen daily! The right sunscreen can reduce inflammation and dark spots from acne while allowing treatments to work better.

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