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General practitioner
GP examination 1500 CZK
Paid appointment without a subscription
Insurance GP examination Free of charge
With a subscription: PVZP, Maxima, AXA, Slavia, Uniqa
Basic Subscription for 6 Months 1500 CZK
MAXIMA, AXA, PVZP, Slavia, Uniqa
Complex Subscription for 6 Months 3900 CZK
MAXIMA, AXA, PVZP, Slavia, Uniqa
Subscription for VZP clients 15000 CZK
Free doctor examinations and laboratory tests for clients with government insurance policies
Medical certificates 1800 CZK
Medical check-ups: for work, university, companies, and driving licenses.
Preventive check-ups
Complex check-up 4500 CZK
Therapist consultation, laboratory tests (hormones, minerals, urinalysis), ECG
Ultrasound check-up 5500 CZK
Ultrasound of the liver, kidneys, bladder, thyroid gland, and carotid arteries.
Specialized examinations
Endocrinologist examination 3500 CZK
Free of charge with a subscription
Urologist examination 3500 CZK
Free of charge with a subscription
Orthopedist examination 2000 CZK
Free of charge with a subscription
Gynecologyst Examination from 3000 CZK
In partnership with the Gyneco Mente clinic
Laboratory tests
Sexually transmitted infections test 6900 CZK
Swab test and consultation with a therapist, prescription of treatment if necessary.
Referral for tests 800 CZK
Issuing a referral for tests, followed by on-site blood collection.
Ultrasound examinations
Ultrasound examination 2000 - 2500 CZK
Abdominal cavity, pelvic organs, thyroid gland, heart, blood vessels.
Breast ultrasound 2500 CZK
Ultrasound of the mammary glands.