Sexually transmitted infections test
Sexually transmitted infections test
Diagnostics That Care for Your Health: Know Early — Treat Early!
A urethral swab is a modern and precise diagnostic method that helps identify the primary pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. Early detection allows timely treatment and prevents complications.
When Should You Get a Urethral Swab?
If you experience any of the following symptoms, it’s important to visit a doctor promptly:
- Inflammation or burning during urination.
- Fever.
- Rashes or discharge in the genital area.
- Discomfort or pain in the pelvic region.
These signs may indicate an infection that requires immediate medical attention.
Why Is Testing Important?
- Protect yourself and your partner from complications.
- Early detection minimizes the risk of long-term consequences.
- Prioritizing your health enhances confidence and quality of life.
What Does the Test Include?
1. Urethral Swab Collection
- A quick and minimally invasive procedure completed in just a few minutes.
2. Laboratory Analysis
- Identification of key pathogens such as mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
- Accurate determination of the causes of inflammation.
3. Doctor's Recommendations
- Interpretation of test results.
- Prescription of effective treatment or additional tests if needed.
Cost of Examination
- Doctor's consultation + urethral swab (mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonorrhea, chlamydia): 6,900 CZK
- Additional Services:
- Syphilis + HIV (blood test): 1,600 CZK
- HPV high-risk types (swab): 2,900 CZK
- Hepatitis C + B (blood test): 2,200 CZK
Additional services can be paid for at the clinic reception.
Tests for Women
Women requiring similar tests should schedule an appointment with a gynecologist. We offer flexible appointment times and access to qualified specialists at our partner clinic, Gyneco Mente.
Why Choose Our Clinic?
- Convenient Hours — Open until 8:00 PM on weekdays and 4:00 PM on weekends.
- Accessible Doctors — Our specialists speak Russian, Czech, and English for your comfort.
- Modern Equipment — Ensures accurate and fast results.
- Confidentiality — Your health and personal information are securely protected.
Take Care of Yourself and Your Loved Ones!
Book an appointment via the link: